
Rock Bunting

Emberiza cia

淡灰眉岩鹀(英文名:Rock Bunting,学名:Emberiza cia),是雀形目鹀科鹀属的鸟类。是鹀科鹀属的小型鸣禽,又叫淡灰眉岩鹀,英文名直译为岩鹀。体型约16厘米。在中国仅分布于新疆西北部、西藏等地,常见于海拔200-4000m 间以及常见于山麓、丘陵、平原及山地等处的灌木丛、草丛、耕地、森林林缘、河谷阶地或岩石等开阔地。该物种的模式产地在欧洲西部。戈氏岩鹀曾作为灰眉岩鹀的亚种,现已作为独立鸟种,广泛分布于国内。

繁殖区: PAL : subtropical to temperate montane w, c Palearctic rocky, bushy slopes: Iberian Pen. and c France through s Germany, Slovakia, sw Russia through n Iran and s Turkmenistan to e Kazakhstan, nw, w Xinjiang (nw China) and e to far w Mongolia; in s from Morocco to Tunisia (nw, nc Africa), Mediterranean to Israel, s Iran, Afghanistan and w, c Himalayas
非繁殖区: some move to cultivation at lower elevations









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