
Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Passer montanus

麻雀(英文名:Eurasian Tree Sparrow,学名:Passer montanus),是雀形目雀科雀属的鸟类。又叫树麻雀(英文名:Tree Sparrow),俗名霍雀、瓦雀、琉雀、家雀、老家贼、只只、嘉宾、照夜、麻谷、南麻雀、禾雀、宾雀,亦叫北国鸟(个别地方方言又称呼为:家雀、户巴拉)。雌雄同色,显著特征为黑色喉部、白色脸颊上具黑斑、栗色头部。喜群居,种群生命力极强。是中国最常见、分布最广的鸟类,亚种分化极多,广布于中国全境,也广布于欧亚大陆。中国产5种麻雀,其中树麻雀就是我们通常所说的麻雀,其他种类如山麻雀、家麻雀比树麻雀少见,生活环境也有所区别。

繁殖区: PAL, OR : subarctic to tropics of Palearctic and Oriental regions in farms, parks, cities: British Is., s Scandinavia, se Murmansk e to s Chukotka, Kamchatka, and Commander Is. (nw to ne Russia), in s to Iberian Pen., Gran Canaria (c Canary Is., Macaronesia, w of n Africa), Mediterranean is. through Turkey, n Iran, sc Pakistan, Tibet, c, e Himalayas through se Asia, e Asian is. from Kuril Is., all Japan, Taiwan, all Philippines and Indonesian Arch.; introduced many other places
非繁殖区: short-distance wandering









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