
Spanish Sparrow

Passer hispaniolensis

黑胸麻雀(英文名:Spanish Sparrow,学名:Passer hispaniolensis),是雀形目雀科雀属的鸟类。栖于旷野及有树的田地。分布于佛得角群岛、南欧、北非、中东、中亚和中国西部新疆地区。

繁殖区: PAL : s temperate to subtropical sw, sc Palearctic in riparian and cultivated areas: Madeira, Canary and Cape Verde Is. (Macaronesia, nw, w of n Africa), patchily from Iberian Pen., Sardinia, Greece, Balkans, Cyprus and Turkey through s Kazakhstan and nw Xinjiang (nw China), in s from n Morocco through n Libya, Israel, n, c Arabian Pen., Iran and Afghanistan
非繁殖区: to n Sahara Desert, n, c Nile Valley, Red Sea and Persian Gulf coasts, s Iran and Pakistan through sub-Himalayan nw India









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