
Wood Sandpiper

Tringa glareola

林鹬(英文名:Wood Sandpiper,学名:Tringa glareola),是鸻形目丘鹬科鹬属的鸟类。别名叫林札子,是一种旅鸟。体型略小,全长约21cm。每年8月-10 见于保护区。繁殖期主要栖息于林中或林缘开阔沼泽、湖泊、水塘与溪流岸边。喜沿海多泥的栖息环境,繁殖于欧亚大陆北部,以水生昆虫、蜘蛛、软体动物、甲壳类为食。

繁殖区: PAL : inland subarctic to temperate wooded wetlands of n Palearctic: Scotland (n British Is.), n Scandinavia, Austria e through inland n Russia to w Chukotskiy Pen., to e Siberia and ne China, in s through n Mongolia, ne China, Kamchatka and Commander Is. (e Russia)
非繁殖区: AF, OR, AU : inland subtropical to tropical small open wetlands of Paleotropics: Africa, s Arabian Pen., s, se Asia, Indonesian Arch., New Guinea, Australia (except Tasmania), Philippines, Taiwan, e China and Ryukyu Is. (s Japan)









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