
Pin-tailed Snipe

Gallinago stenura

针尾沙锥(英文名:Pin-tailed Snipe,学名:Gallinago stenura),是鸻形目丘鹬科沙锥属的鸟类。又名针尾鹬、中沙锥、针尾水。常结成小群,栖息于沼泽、稻田、草地、苇蒲中、嘴坚硬,常插于泥中摄取食物,在水稻田(尤其是收割后的水稻田)中常可遇见。羽色与杂草相混,不容易发现,有时常由脚下突然飞起。取食昆虫、环节动物和甲壳动物。

繁殖区: PAL : low Arctic tundra to temperate montane meadows of nc, ne Palearctic: nw Siberia and ne Kazakhstan and n Mongolia to c Chukotskiy Pen. to Sea of Okhotsk (e Siberia)
非繁殖区: OR : inland wetlands of subtropical to tropical Oriental region: s, se Arabian Pen., s, se Asia, Greater Sundas, se China, Taiwan, Korean Pen., Ryukyu Is. (s Japan)









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