

Calidris alpina

黑腹滨鹬(英文名:Dunlin,学名:Calidris alpina),是鸻形目丘鹬科滨鹬属的鸟类。眉纹白色,嘴端略有下弯。繁殖期间胸腹部黑色。喜沿海及内陆泥滩,单独或成小群,常与其他涉禽混群。进食忙碌,取蹲姿。该物种的模式产地在拉普兰省。

繁殖区: NA, PAL : low (locally high) Arctic to temperate wet tundra of Holarctic: sw to ne Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Is., n British Is., Scandinavia, Baltic states e through n Russia including Novaya Zemlya (n of nw Siberia) and New Siberian Is. (n of ec Russia), through Chukotskiy Pen., w Kamchatka, n Kurile and n Sakhalin is. (e Russia); Aleutian Is., w, n Alaska, nw Canada, nc Canada n and w of Hudson Bay
非繁殖区: s NA, AF, s PAL : coastal and inland wetlands from temperate to tropical zones n of Equator: British Is., w Europe, Mediterranean, n, nc Africa, Middle East, n Indian subcontinent to n Vietnam and e China, Taiwan, Korean Pen. and Japan (except n); sw Canada and New England to wc Mexico and Yucatan Pen.









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