

Calidris alba

三趾滨鹬(英文名:Sanderling,学名:Calidris alba),是鸻形目丘鹬科滨鹬属的鸟类。又叫做三趾鹬,体型略小(20厘米)的近灰色涉禽。肩羽明显黑色。比其他滨鹬白,飞行时翼上具白色宽纹。特征为无后趾。夏季鸟上体赤褐色。春季,三趾鹬会以群聚方式相偕到达北极附近,在那里,他们会展开交配及生产3至4颗蛋,并猎捕昆虫或摘取可食性植物来哺育下一代。等到幼鸟稍大后,擅长远距离飞行的该鸟类,开始展开长距离群聚飞行;随后踪迹遍布南美、南非、南欧、非洲、亚洲西藏、新疆及澳大利亚地区。直至秋季,以上各地区常会看见这些鸟类栖息于沿海泥滩或沙滩。

繁殖区: NA, PAL : high Arctic tundra wetlands of Holarctic: nw, se Greenland, Svalbard (n of Norway), n Taymyr Pen. and Severnaya Zemlya (to n), Lena Delta and New Siberian Is. (nc Siberia), Alaskan North Slope (rare), Canadian Arctic islands from Banks to Ellesmere and s to Southampton
非繁殖区: Worldwide : sandy coastal beaches from temperate to tropical zone: British Is. and Macaronesia (nw of n Africa) through Africa, Malagasy region, Middle East, s, se Asia through Indonesian Arch. to Australia, Melanesia, Philippines and s, c Japan (but rare New Guinea and New Zealand); sw, se Canada and Caribbean s to Tierra del Fuego and including remote islands through e Polynesia









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