
Ortolan Bunting

Emberiza hortulana

圃鹀(英文名:Ortolan Bunting,学名:Emberiza hortulana),是雀形目鹀科鹀属的鸟类。身长 16-17 厘米,属小型鸣禽。体羽似麻雀,头上、后颈及胸橄榄绿色,翕呈栗褐色;下体大部分淡栗色;飞翔时最外侧两对尾羽的白色显著。分布于欧亚大陆园林和田野,秋天集成大群迁徙到非洲北部和中东。国内不常见于新疆西北部。

繁殖区: PAL : s, e subarctic to subtropical open wooded hills: w, c Palearctic: Scandinavia patchily to Iberian Pen., e through Baltic region, w, sc Russia, n Kazakhstan, far n Xinjiang (nw China) and w, c, s Mongolia; in s through coastal Algeria, n Mediterranean to Turkey, Caucasus and n Iran
非繁殖区: to Sahel, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, and coastal s Arabian Pen., in upland semiarid habitats









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