
Band-rumped Storm Petrel

Hydrobates castro

斑腰叉尾海燕(英文名:Band-rumped Storm Petrel,学名:Hydrobates castro),是鹱形目海燕科暴风海燕属的鸟类。

繁殖区: PO, AO : Azores (cold-season breeding), Madeira (hot-season breeding), Desertas, Salvage, Canary and Cape Verde is. (n to s Macaronesia, w of n Africa); Berlengas Is. (just w of c Portugal); islands off St. Helena (tropical se Atlantic Ocean), Boatswainbird I. (just e of Ascension I.; se Atlantic Ocean); Hide-jima and Sangan-jima (Futagojima Is., e of s Honshu, c Japan); Kauai (w main Hawaiian Is.) and widely in Galápagos
非繁殖区: 大西洋北部,至Gulf Stream,温带海洋大西洋西北部和offshore waters,Gulf北部,墨西哥,offshore waters,大西洋热带东部非洲外西部,中部和Gulf,几内亚,太平洋北部,seas南部,东部,日本,near main Hawaiian Is.,和太平洋中东部从海岸线,中美洲南部至美洲西北部南部和西部至马克萨斯群岛(波利尼西亚东部)









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