
Aleutian Tern

Onychoprion aleuticus

白腰燕鸥(英文名:Aleutian Tern,学名:Onychoprion aleuticus),是鸻形目鸥科褐背燕鸥属的鸟类。白腰燕鸥罕见但可能为定期过境候鸟。1992年秋季在香港记录多达200只,此后每年均出现。

繁殖区: PAL, NA : North Pacific coasts from Sakhalin, Sea of Okhotsk and Kamchatka through Aleutian Is., and w to sw Alaska
非繁殖区: to coastal Thailand, Philippines, n New Guinea, Indonesia, s Malaysia and Singapore, and n NSW (ec Australia); migrates along w North Pacific coast via Japan, Korean Pen., e China, and Taiwan









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