
Oriental Pratincole

Glareola maldivarum

普通燕鸻(英文名:Oriental Pratincole,学名:Glareola maldivarum),是鸻形目燕鸻科燕鸻属的鸟类。又叫东方燕鸻,一般称燕鸻、土燕子。喉部和上胸淡灰色而带有一黑色半环。兼有燕和鹬的习性,形态优雅,以小群至大群活动,性喧闹。与其他涉禽混群,栖于开阔地、沼泽地及稻田。善走,头不停点动。飞行优雅似燕,于空中捕捉昆虫。常见于飞机场。分布于欧亚大陆部分地区以及澳大利亚和新西兰。在中国东北、西北及沿海地区为夏候鸟。

繁殖区: PAL, OR : patchily in temperate to tropical grassland near water of s to ne Asia: w India and Sri Lanka, se Asia to Malay Pen., e, ne China, Philippines, Taiwan, e Siberia and s, c Japan
非繁殖区: OR, AU : grassy fields of Chagos Arch. and Maldives (wc Indian Ocean), Indian Pen. through Indonesian Arch., Cocos (Keeling), Christmas I. and Ashmore Reef (se Indian Ocean), n WA and n NT (n, nc Australia), Mariana Is. to Palau, Truk, Yap and Marshall Is. (w Micronesia)









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