
Wandering Tattler

Tringa incana

漂鹬(英文名:Wandering Tattler,学名:Tringa incana),是鸻形目丘鹬科鹬属的鸟类。又名灰鹬。中等体型(28厘米)的灰色鹬。栖于海滩但更喜多岩海岸。进食时晃动身体,头不停地点动。在中国罕见,偶见于台湾越冬。可能常被忽略并误认为是灰尾漂鹬。

繁殖区: PAL, NA : subarctic montane tundra of far ne Palearctic and nw Nearctic: Chukotka (ne Siberia), Alaska mainland (except far n), Yukon, far NWT and nw British Columbia (nw Canada)
非繁殖区: w USA and s PO islands : temperate to tropical, mainly rocky Pacific coasts: e Australia, se New Guinea satellites, Melanesia, Micronesia and all Polynesian groups including Hawaiian Is., isolated e Pacific islands including Clipperton (far sw of Mexico), del Coco (far sw of Costa Rica), Malpelo (w of Colombia) and Galápagos; sw Canada to Ecuador (e Pacific coast)









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