
Purple Sandpiper

Calidris maritima

紫滨鹬(英文名:Purple Sandpiper,学名:Calidris maritima),是鸻形目丘鹬科滨鹬属的鸟类。中小型涉禽,栖息于海岸、近海岸沼泽、河川等地。繁殖于多雾的北极高地(主要在北美洲东部和北欧),越冬地北至格陵兰和英国;体呈淡灰色,脚和嘴黄色;在野外易于接近。飞翔力强,飞行时颈与脚均伸直。取食甲壳动物、昆虫和植物。在沼泽、河川附近草丛中筑巢。每窝产卵4枚。卵橄榄黄色,并有黑和褐色斑点。雄鸟孵卵和照料幼雏。雏鸟为早成性。

繁殖区: NA, PAL : high to low montane Arctic of North Atlantic and Arctic oceans: Greenland (except n, ne), Iceland, Jan Mayen (ne of Iceland), Bear I. and Svalbard (n of Norway), Scandinavia to far nw Russia, Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya (n of nw Siberia) and Severnaya Zemlya and Taymyr Pen. (nc Siberia); Banks to s Ellesmere and Baffin is. (nc Canada)
非繁殖区: e NA, w Europe : rocky North Atlantic coasts: Iceland, Faroe Is., British Is., Scandinavia and w Europe (e North Atlantic); Labrador and Gulf of St. Lawrence (se Canada) to North Carolina (w North Atlantic)









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