
Red Knot

Calidris canutus

红腹滨鹬(英文名:Red Knot,学名:Calidris canutus),是鸻形目丘鹬科滨鹬属的鸟类。中等体型(24厘米)、低矮而腿短的偏灰色滨鹬。深色的嘴短且厚,具浅色眉纹。上体灰色,略具鳞状斑;下体近白,颈、胸及两胁淡皮黄色。冬季少量在台湾。繁殖于环北极地区,属长距离迁徙鸟类,中国黄渤海地区是其在东亚-澳大利西亚迁徙路线上重要的停歇地。

繁殖区: NA, PAL : patchily in high Arctic (mainly) tundra of Holarctic: nw, e Greenland, nc Siberia, islands n of nc and ne Siberia, and n Chukotskiy Pen. (ne Siberia)
非繁殖区: SA, Europe, AF, AU : coasts worldwide from temperate zone to tropics; in Indian Ocean mainly w Australia, and in Pacific in New Zealand but rare on other remote islands









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